ROSS Program

Learn more about the ROSS Program from SJPHA

ROSS Program

The ROSS Program is an initiative designed to empower people and communities to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential. Our program is built with a focus on bringing together resources and expertise to support individuals and families in need.
We understand that people face a wide range of challenges, from housing insecurity to unemployment to health issues and more. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services that can help people at all stages of life, from those just starting out to those who are well-established but facing unexpected setbacks.
Our program includes a variety of services designed to support individuals and families in need. These services include job training and placement, financial education, healthcare access, legal assistance, and more. By bringing together a diverse range of resources, we are able to provide comprehensive support that addresses the unique needs and challenges of each person we work with.
One of the key benefits of the ROSS Program is that it is designed to be accessible and inclusive. We work with individuals and families from all backgrounds and walks of life, providing support that is tailored to each person's unique needs and circumstances.
If you're facing challenges and need support to achieve your goals, the ROSS Program is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support you on your journey to success.
Contact Your ROSS Coordinator
ROSS Coordinator

ROSS Program Coordinator

Our ROSS program has helped countless people overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. By providing access to critical resources and expertise, we empower individuals and families to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.